Pressing into the Kingdom

Responding to the New Season Part 1

The lord has started us on a course of restoration and is allowing us to experience how to break through into new cycles with a great focus on attitudes and character trait transformation. In the process he has began to challenge us into new paradigms and new ways of living within his life. For most of us the initial push is demanding so much but we see that the fruit ahead is much better than the former state. Therefore we push seeking to forget the things that are behind and laying hold on his life that is before us. These [un –  kingdom – like] attitudes have been resident there for long times and have affected how we view this world, the church, leaders, situations and people. As we allow the searching light of his word and spirit to shine upon our souls, we come to recognize that all this time it has been about us and not so much others. Imagine the joy of knowing our father, the living God would have us to share in his nature and character.

Remember, mountains get moved by his power working in our hearts and lips. [Matt.21:21] Do not stay down if you have fallen as you push to overcome but get up. [Prov.24:16]. We have a high priest who is touched by the feelings of our inadequacies but makes intercession in hope and faith for our success. [Heb.4:15-16] Receive what is yours and keep pressing.
Victory must be embraced in the heart before it is manifested in the natural.
STOP NOW!!!!!!
• Labeling your self a failure
• Filling your inner man with unfruitful pictures by the words we speak and listen to
• Sitting in the company of those who will not speak those things that will aid in your transformation
• Entertaining sin
• Filling your mouth with junk

• Declaring your change
• Filling your inner man with his words concerning you – Prov.18:20-21
• Create an inner circle that will speak to you of your victories in Christ
• Embracing his righteousness in you
• Filling your mouth with his word – CHANGE YOUR SPEECH AND LANGUAGE
• Calling things that be not as if they are – Romans 4:17

Failure only exists where and when we quit – keep going towards him


We sit and we wait for God to move on our behalf in the same time he is waiting on something from us and that thing is our faith towards him.
Let us consider three stories from the scriptures.
A. Two blind men – Matt.9:27-31
a. Jesus needed to find out from them what they were willing to believe (vs.28)
b. Jesus pronounced healing to them based upon their belief (vs.29) It was not what Jesus knew but what they were willing to believe him for.
c. The centurion – Matt.8:5-13
a. The man tells Jesus his desire and where his faith was.
b. Jesus responds in verse 13 and shows the man that it was his faith and not that of the lord that brought salvation
c. The father of the dead girl – Matt.9:18-26
a. He told Jesus what he wanted
b. Jesus responded and commented on the fathers faith

Let us respond to these areas of change in faith and not hoping for the lord to come and do it for us. It takes our faith in him to bring our change. Our faith – his power
This morning, I saw the need for me to go through some changes in the area of my abdomen and the thought came to mind as I prayed; to change that area I must start working on it. NO WORK – NO CHANGE.  Guess what? This work takes time and diligent application. One day at a time, one step at a time but there will be a good result.  Start now, one area at a time and DON’T STOP. It may not be an attitude change for some [ for most of us it is] but may just be a challenge by the lord. It could be health, finances or changing your current level of operation in life and ministry. GO FOR IT!!!!

Finally, let us encourage each other in an environment of love and support. Let us help each other change. Instead of being critical, let us help through prayer and support.


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